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Episode 4: Pg 22

As you can probably see if you’re not reading from the RSS feed this week, Cosmic Dash had a website overhaul. I may do some more changes, but nothing as dramatic as what I did over the past day or two. There are some rather pronounced buttons in the sidebar now that link to some key pages on the site as I know that the menu in the header hides a lot of info due to it having drop-down sections. I would like to direct you, in particular, to the short stories page. If you’ve not read any of the short stories they explore characters and aspects of the universe that I’ve only slightly touched on in the comic. So many pages on the site have been updated. In particular the new reader guide has some more extended profiles that are shared with the character guide.

This week’s page has some more interactions between the crew. One thing I try to make sure happens in every story is a scene between characters who haven’t had many scenes together before. If I could do three pages a week (and believe me, I would) it’d make that less important to me as I’d have sheer volume to work with when establishing relationships. It’s that lack of volume that I have, currently, that causes me to make sure small moments are written into the scripts. It’s not really a bad thing, though. Just me kicking myself that I can’t update three times a week yet.

As for you readers, I have a question. What sort of things in a comic get you to comment on a page? I’d love to answer questions, but rarely get any. I’m pretty much an open book when it comes to this sort of stuff, so any questions are encouraged.


This week you should check out Star Power. It’s a neat mashup of superhero and space opera elements.

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