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Episode 4: Pg 25

Short notes this week. I should be publishing the first half of a new short story very soon, so that should be a lot of fun.

However, this week I’d like to focus on something in particular.


I will be drawing comic pages and other stuff live on select Saturdays. If you follow the tumblr you may have already read about it. For those of you who don’t read the tumblr (why not?), here is the info.

Cosmic Dash Saturday Streamin’ is a couple of hours on a Saturday where I play some music, draw comics and other art, and chat live with viewers on USTREAM.TV. I’ll not only work on Dash pages, but I’ll usually start with a warm up drawing based on viewer suggestions. I also play my eclectic library of music, or even put on one of many podcasts I like to listen to. Typically streams will occur on Saturdays at around 4 PM PST and last for a couple of hours. Some weeks it may not be possible to do a stream, however, so I will update the about page of as well as put a notification up on the show’s page.

Anyway, I hope to see you this Saturday.

As for a webcomic link… why not check out webcomitron 6000?


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