Cosmic Dash is back and we move into the final issue of volume four, “Ladies’ Fight.” This wasn’t the original story I had planned to end the volume, but as circumstances lined up in issue 2, I took this idea and updated it to connect to the second episode. A lot of my writing is like that, planned but with room for improvisation.
But yes, we’re back with another Cosmic Dash adventure. We also are three pages into a Kracker story over This issue, the Kracker story, and issue 2 are set very close in the timeline. That was fun to play around with.
If you haven’t started the Kracker story, be sure you do. I have the latest page linked in the banner, but you can also start the story by clicking here. Plot points for this issue will be found in that story.
I am excited to share this story with you. A lot of fun stuff is planned. Please let me know what you think.
Cosmic Dash: Volume 4 Episode 3 – “Ladies’ Fight” Synopsis
The cover depicts Mara Senten, Illyana Mordon, and Alix Motari in a circular arrangement. Behind them is a large image of a face. The face belongs to a Slauve, but his name has not been revealed.
Title: Ladies’ Fight
Caption: Secrets. Memories. Recovery.