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Volume 4 Episode 3 – Page 21

Hello, and welcome back to Cosmic Dash. This is Vol. 4, Ep. 3, “Ladies’ Fight,” page 21, or using the canon numbering system, CD.4.3.21. Mara and Illyana plan out something involving this isolated homestead, but they can’t help but take shots at one another.

The script for the next mini is complete, so we’ll be alternating between Cosmic Dash updates and Silver Spiral Stories updates starting next week. So, I don’t have much in the way of other general updates for you. The latest Supernatural Selection is now up, where we cover the reptilian sex agenda conspiracy. However, it’s a highly NSFW episode, so listen somewhere appropriate and private.

I am in the first week of a six-week summer session where I teach 18 weeks of material in a compressed amount of time, so we’ll see how that goes.


Mara’s closing words on the page directly reference the second issue of The Cube involving the destruction of the original Lucky Strike and the Thruster Spear.

Vol. 4, Ep. 3, “Ladies’ Fight,” page 21 Transcript

The following is a transcript of Cosmic Dash. This is Vol. 4, Ep. 3, “Ladies’ Fight,” page 21.

Panel One

Arial view of a homestead resting against a carved-out pit near what appears to be a closed mine. On the ridge above, two figures look down into the pit.

Panel Two

A closer view of the homestead through an optical interface. The landscape is being scanned.

Mara (off-screen): Might be risky to take the bike in…

Panel Three

Mara and Illyana are resting on a knoll above the pit. The bike is parked in the distance behind them. Illyana is passing a pair of binoculars to Mara.

Illyana: It’s a nice ride, I can see why you wouldn’t want to risk it.

Mara: Thanks, my boyfriend and his best friend made it out of a scooter.

Panel Four

Mara is sitting up. Illyana is still lying on her stomach but glances back at Mara.

Illyana: Oh, so you and Kameku are together. It was hard to tell there for a while. Vid and I were taking bets. He won.

Panel Five

Mara has an unamused expression, resting an arm on her raised knee. She is glancing back at Illyana.

Mara: Wasn’t he the reason our ships were destroyed? Or was that a team effort on your part?

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See you next week at for the start of a new mini, this time focused on Drakar Vadis.

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