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Volume 4 Episode 3 – Page 28

Consider the hiatus ended. It’s been a while, hasn’t it? We’re picking up after our last update, a long while ago, with a new batch of pages of “Ladies’ Fight.” I’ll explain a bit of what happened since, and there will be plenty of news over the next couple of pages as well.

First of all, if you’re reading this; thank you for checking in on the comic. I apologize for the hiatus, and I want to avoid such dramatic gaps in the future. You’ll learn a bit about the extenuating circumstances for the hiatus below.

Thank you for your understanding.

This is the CD.4.3.28 update that continues the narrative of Mara and Illyana after that particular Slauve. Apparently in the time since he has seemed to roll his buggy. So, we’re now in the middle of a full-on firefight. However, Mara seems to have something up her sleeves.

Other News

There is plenty to talk about, but I’ll break it up over the new couple of pages.

  • The long delay was an unfortunate confluence of bad timing; my partner lost her job, and it fell on me to keep the household afloat. That means I had to drop my time working on comics to scrape and hustle up as much money as possible. That was usually through freelancing or commissions when I could scrape them up.
  • I also suffered from a bout of depression, of sorts. I was exhausted from all of the continual work and had less time to do things. I would try to work, find I was too drained to do so, and then proceed to feel miserable that I wasn’t working. it was a pretty vicious cycle.
  • Things are not much better for us financially, and I am still doing way too much side work that cuts into stuff. I eventually managed to get myself out of a funk, creatively, in October, but I’ll talk about that on the next page.
  • With that said, the funding issue is still a problem. If you can spare a donation or a subscription to my Ko-fi account, it can help me to eventually supplement my income and give me more time to make comics. For my sanity, I am going to produce comics, but they’re always a lesser priority than rent. Commissions are particularly welcome because they are a fun way for me to make money.
  • It’s not all doom and gloom, though, read the next pages to learn about the cool stuff I have still managed to do.

Lore: Wheeled Vehicles

A lot of survival on other planets depends on efficient transportation. For many colonies, expensive, hovering vehicles are a no-go. They have tremendous energy requirements that are not manageable by most colonists and homesteaders. More than likely, such vehicles are probably communal-based or the property of companies that are setting up shop on a planet.

In most cases, the vehicles used most in colonies tend to be wheeled. Wheels are remarkably efficient and the energy output to power cars is pretty minimal. You also have the added benefit of wheels being able to take on a variety of terrain fairly easily.

Of course, it helps if your driver isn’t an idiot who rolls the buggy.

Volume 4 Episode 3 – Page 28 Transcript

The following is a transcript for Cosmic Dash Volume 4, Episode 3 – Page 28.

Panel One

Mara and Illyana hide behind the bike, firing at the Slauve’s overturned vehicle.

Caption: Meanwhile…

Illyana: We can’t lose him in those woods! Crap!

SFX: Ping Ping Ping

Mara: Cover me.

Illyana: Fine.

Panel Two

The Slauve has his gun ready. He is taunting Illyana and Mara.

Slauve: Ya messed with the wrong killah today, ladies! I got plans on plans on plans to get outta here!

Panel Three

Illyana tells Mara to do what she is going to do.

Illyana: Go! Go!

Mara: ‘kay!

Panel Four

Mara dashes off into the distance and Illyana lays down suppressing fire.

Illyana: C’mon, Tiny!


Panel Five

Mara is running with both guns drawn.

Panel Six

Mara has placed one of her guns in her mouth to hold it as she readies the other gun.

Mara: Mmrrph.

Panel Seven

Mara presses a button on the barrel of the gun.

SFX: Click

See you tomorrow on the next page.

Thanks for reading! If you enjoy the story, please consider supporting me on Ko-fi or order a commission. You can also vote for Cosmic Dash on Top WebComics to attract more potential readers!


  1. Couch Gregor
    Couch Gregor November 23, 2024

    Such action, bang bang!

    Lesbian couple woopitys a thrill

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