We’re back with the second update of the monthly batch, following up on yesterday’s Serreven.com update. This is Volume 4, Episode 3, page 33. We’re approaching the end of the “Ladies’ Fight” storyline and 4th volume of the comic. We’re back, you bet your asteroid on it.
With that said, as we move into volume 5, I will need to take a break to finish writing it. It’ll take me about a month to write the three issues as it will be one long interconnected story that builds on elements laid out all the way back in volume one. This is a culmination story with significant repercussions for the Silver Spiral Galaxy.
But that’s still a couple of months out. We might be finished with this volume by the end of April.
Anyway, other news!
Steamboat Sailor Brawl!
Because I have a compulsive tendency to work and indulge in new projects, I launched a comic that corresponded with Popeye entering the Public Domain on Jan. 1st this year. You can learn more about it on the website.
Lore – AST 24.328
As we established on the previous page, this location is known as AST 24.328. What exactly does that mean, though?
Naming astral bodies is a time-consuming process, as there are so many of them out there, especially when you account for asteroids within a system. So unless a dedicated name is proposed, most objects in a system that are large enough are given a code.
In this case, this cultist facility is found on an asteroid hence the first sequence being AST. The 24 of the sequence refers to the diameter or “size” of the asteroid. In this case, 24 kilometers. Lastly, the three-digit sequence is the numbered identifier that indicates the discovery order of the object within the system, within the diameter class. In this case, this is the 328th asteroid within the system that measures around 24 kilometers in diameter.
In this case, the asteroid is in the orbit of a gas giant, which I have yet to name. I am taking suggestions in the comments if anyone wants to take a crack at it.
Volume 4 Episode 3 – Page 33 Transcript
The following is a transcript for Cosmic Dash Volume 4, Episode 3 – Page 33.
Panel One
A close-up of Orthos firing his blaster towards the screen, laying down covering fire.
Panel Two
Three Federation Marines, including Commander Arthur Pryce, are in a crater. Orthos shifts back into the crater. The Communications Marine tends to the wounded Marine. Pryce appears to still be in communication with Mara and Illyana.
Blaster fire peppers the rim of the crater.
Pryce: The Hand’s little fingers. Okay. Forgive the brevity of these instructions.
Panel Three
Orthos crouches and approaches Pryce, still deep in relaying instructions to Mara and Illyana.
Pryce: You are to remain with the asset until local authorities can take him in. Relay that I will be picking him up as soon as possible and he needs to be held until then. OUT.
Panel Four
Pryce has disconnected the communications cable and drawn his pistol. Orthos is crouching next to him, curious. Blaster fire continues to impact around the rim of the crater.
Orthos: News?
Pryce: Not for your purview. No.
Orthos: Fair enough.
Panel Five
Orthos crests the rim of the crater, weapon drawn, glancing down toward Pryce. price is ready to get back into the fight.
Orthos: Onward and upward.
Pryce: Agreed.
See you tomorrow with a new page of Cosmic Dash.
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Oh cool, public domain comic. you’d think we’d see more of those.
[…] Volume 4 Episode 3 – Page 33 […]