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Volume 4 Episode 3 – Page 34

Volume 4 Episode 3 – Page 34

The medic in residence will see you now in the third Cosmic Dash update for January 2025. This is update CD.4.3.34, or the 34th page of “Ladies’ Fight” in the archive. We’re stepping away from Orthos‘ storyline of the past couple of pages and getting back to the medi bay of the Lucky Strike II.

Dash and the medic in residence, Dorian, have a lot to talk about, but somehow I am sure Dash is going to rope this kid into something crazy. Shine on you space cowboys.

Shal Noctis, undead monk in residence of Spooky Dice Bag.
Shal Noctis, an undead monk in residence of Spooky Dice Bag.

Anyway, as for other news, I am finally appearing as a regular on the podcast Spooky Dice Bag, which is a Dungeons and Dragons actual pay show. I am Shal Noctis, the crazy under monk is residence for the party.

Because I have to be extra about everything, I’ve created a new prose series over at my main website which serves as Shal’s adventure log, recounting events of the podcast episodes from his particularly touched perspective. Check out the first two episodes and let me know what you think.

It’s been a ton of fun and I absolutely adore the character. It makes me wonder about roleplaying opportunities in the Cosmic Dash setting, actually…

Anyway, onto some lore.

Lore – The Residency of Dorian D’Lazmuh

Something fun in this issue for me was covering a little bit about Dorian’s position on the ship, which is akin to residency in our own medical field. It’s a bit different, though. Part of medical training and becoming a doctor in the Silver Spiral Galaxy entails a year or two of residence with some form of organization or colony, actively practicing medicine. Usually, residency is part of post-graduation here on Earth, but in this setting the idea was that there is something akin to a trial run doctors must go through. With how wide the galaxy is and the myriad of challenges, this is meant to be their final “test.”

Dorian assumed this little cargo company would be fairly low-stakes, for example. He took the position so he could study, but he definitely found something much more impressive and high-stakes.

With that said, the latitude figures like Dorian would have are fairly large given the challenges and diversity of scenarios and species, and their performance is assessed when they return to wrap up their studies and examinations for a year following this residency.

Volume 4 Episode 3 – Page 34 Transcript

The following is a transcript for Cosmic Dash Volume 4, Episode 3 – Page 34.

Panel One

Overhead view of the med bay on the Lucky Strike II. Guugel’s pod is still hooked up to a nutrient system. Dorian D’Lazmuh is actively monitoring the screen above the medi bed. Dash Kameku is awake again, sitting against the headboard. Kracker is asleep in another bed.

Caption: In the Med Bay, Lucky Strike II

Dash: Dorian?

Dorian: Yeah?

Panel Two

Dorian is observing the current status of the pod that Guugel seems to be using to heal. Dash continues talking to him from off-panel.

Dash: I heard you talking with Kracker about his wings. Do you think it will work? Seems ambitious.

Panel Three

Dorian glances back at Dash, engaged in their conversation. Dash looks back. Dorian seems optimistic.

Dorian: I think the three of us can make this work. Our combined technical skills could really mesh, I think.

Dash: Hm.

Panel Four

Dorian has turned back to Guugel’s data, watching closely, hard at work. Dash appears to be considering something. He brings a finger to his chin and pitches an idea.

Dash: So… What are your thoughts on elective subdermal implants?

Panel Five

Dash glances off, considering the idea he had been rolling around in his head. Dorian continues to monitor Guugel’s data as part of his residence work.

Panel Six

Dorian whirls around as Dash smiles somewhat sheepishly.

Dorian: What in the hells do you have planned?

See you later this month with more comics.

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