Cosmic Dash returns with Volume 4, Episode 3, Page 5 after a few weeks of delays. No excuses or anything like that, but just the reality of wrapping up a semester, helping move family out of state, freelancing (for actual money), and starting a new semester. But enough about me! Cosmic Dash update time! We start Mara and Alix’s journeys with this update, but they start together dealing with an overly apologetic colony administrator. The entire colony of Ferrow’s Hope was under the control of the space pirates in the previous issue.
In truth, I know that Deft and I had discussed a story that follows the pirates taking over the colony but never finished it. Please let us know in the comments if you are interested in something like that.
We also get to see two Kem travelers with the crew and get some names. I imagine we’ll see more of them throughout the story. I have considered doing a small anthology about the Kems and their time aboard the ship.
Cosmic Dash Updates
Obviously not a lot of updates regarding Cosmic Dash projects. Things piled up on me pretty quickly over a couple of weeks, and I found myself a bit buried under freelance work, which I appreciate, but the reality is I need to prioritize paid work over the comic, which… doesn’t pay. That’s just how it is. Our last update was ‘Nightlifers’ over at Silver Spiral Stories.

If you enjoy the comics and want to help me reduce the amount of freelancing I do, you can always support me on Ko-fi.
Otherwise, I did manage to squeak out a few other things. The Mutant Hours and Supernatural Selection have been updating more or less consistently. I just need to use my voice for those, which certainly helps. Fang of Triseria and The Dead Life also managed to update as well.
Also, RGBots has had a busy August, so you’re always welcome to enjoy those strips on the Twitter feed.
Anyway, with my schedule cleared up, more or less, and me being caught up on that batch of freelancing work, I think updates will be more frequent.
About Ferrow’s Hope
Let’s turn our attention to the colony of Ferrow’s Hope. We saw a bit of the colony in the previous issue while Dash went to the depot on his delivery. The colony is listed as Colony A, which is probably a records-keeping issue because it is a frontier colony. Definitely not an example of a retcon, not at all.
In truth, Ferrow’s Hope isn’t a long-serving colony; many buildings are pop-ups and basic structures used for colonies with generally agreeable climates. The colony has been up for a couple of years, and database information may not have been updated immediately.
As for the colony, this is an example of one of the current colony trends where if a habitable planet is found, a near-immediate colonial operation is established. It’s about claiming territory as quickly as possible. Still, that means support for these colonies is often limited from their associate factions, and they can be prone to space pirate attacks.
Ferrow’s Hope, in particular, has been claimed by the Cyclopasian Neutrality as a potential transit hub for the frontier. The Neutrality doesn’t have a standing military, and the colony’s success can’t be left to the goodwill of a ragtag delivery company.
Cosmic Dash: Volume 4 Episode 3 – Page 6 Transcript
Here is the Cosmic Dash: Volume 4 Episode 3 – Page 6 Transcript.
Panel One
An aerial view of the landing area of Ferrow’s Hope, the colony of Vumba.
Panel Two
Mara is seen exiting the Lucky Strike II via the loading ramp.
Caption: Ferrow’s Hope, Vumba
Panel Three
Mara greets two of the Kemezeckian guests, Tua and Kota, as they conduct some environmental study.
Mara: “Hellow Tua. Hellow Kota.”
Tua and Kota: “Captain Mara!”
Panel Four
Mara is looking into the distance, having her attention caught by something.
Mara: “Alix? What now?”
Voice (OS): “Again! Our deepest apologies!”
Panel Five
Alix is trying to assuage the concerns of the Furnesean colonial representative, she looks a bit annoyed. Mara approaches them from behind.
Representative: “We were under the control of those filthy pirates and they forced us to radio you those coordinates so far from the colony… We’d been under their thumb for months.”
Alix: “You’re not at fault. Please.”
Mara: “You can’t take the blame for what the pirates made you do.”
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